Viewing users

To view details of a specific user,

1. From the Studio dropdown list in the menu bar, click Manage users. The User Lists screen is displayed.

2. From the left pane select the required user list to which the concerned user belongs. The list of users in the selected user list is displayed in the right pane.

3. Click on the name of the concerned user

The profile details of the user are displayed.

Profile Details

As you can see, the Profile Details screen gives you information on 4 important aspects of the user:



Basic Profile details

This shows the details of various parameters of the user

System Admin Rights

This shows if the user has System Admin Rights

If the Provide system admin rights toggle switch is on, then it means that the user has System Admin Rights

Assigned Roles

This shows the roles, if any, assigned to the user

User is a part of following groups

This shows the groups, if any, that the user belongs to

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