Manage field settings
These settings allow the user to control certain settings of fields (edit, visibility and optionality) based on your defined conditions. First, define a condition and then select the field(s) and settings that should be configured when the condition is met.
To set conditions for field visibility,
1. Under Manage field settings, click Set condition.
The Set condition screen is displayed.
Let's say we add a condition that if the value of the City field is not empty, only then should the Zipcode field be displayed.
2. To add a condition, click Add rule.
The option to add a condition is displayed.
3. To enter the condition, enter the required field name, operator and field value and then click Apply.
The condition is added in the Manage Field Settings tab.
4. To configure the settings for specific fields for the applied condition, click Select Fields and then from the list of fields, select the field(s) for which you want to configure the field settings.
The Edit, Visibility and Optionality settings for the selected field are displayed.
5. Select the Edit, Visibility and Optionality settings for the selected field.
Setting | Description |
Edit settings |
Visibility settings |
Optionality settings |
To configure settings for another field, at the bottom right of the Manage field settings screen, click Add Another.
6. To save the settings, at the bottom right of the right pane, click Save.
Last updated