Web workspace

One Resource’s web workspace is the user's homepage where you can get a dashboard view of your most recently or frequently accessed groups/applications, alerts, profile, and reports.


In the Workspace, under Groups, click on the name of the group, the details of which are to be accessed. To learn more about Groups click here

The details of the selected group are displayed.

The Groups Details screen is divided into 3 components:

1. Tab bar

The user can navigate through the various views and features available for forms using the tab bar.

2. Actions pane

The Actions pane lists all the forms belonging to the group. The super admin can create forms and perform actions on them from here.

3. Form Details pane

The form details can be viewed here in the preferred settings of the user, and the admin can perform individual actions on the forms belonging to the group from the Form Details pane.

View Reports

To access the report details,

In the Workspace, under Reports, click on the report name, the details of which are to be accessed.

The details of the selected report are displayed.


By clicking the alerts icon user will find all the alerts received across all of the processes. To configure alerts in any process, please click here to learn more about alert configuration.

User Profile

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