Configuring the basic details

Step 1 of setting up alerts is entering the basic details of the group and the form with which we will be configuring the alarm.

This is the Steps screen from the last step. Let us look at the fields of Step 1 that is the Basic details.



Group Name*

The name of the group in which the form for which the alert is to be configured is present

Form Name*

The form for which the alert is to be configured

Alarm Name*

The name of the alarm to be configured

Alarm Description

The description of the alarm to be configured

After you've filled the required details, on the bottom right of the screen, click Next. The Step 2 screen, Define communication type is displayed.

Here are a few examples where we can configure alarms/alerts in the workflow that we created:

  • Reminders to the respective roles/users for approvals at a step of the workflow

  • Deadlines for taking actions at any step of the workflow

  • Reminders for tasks pending actions for a specific time interval

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